Carolina Saddlebags (Tramea carolina)

Okeeheelee Park, FL
The Carolina Saddlebags is a dragonfly of the family Libellulidae. Members of this family are characterized by a triangular shape on their wings, which is a key identifying feature. The genus Tramea is easily identifiable by the large, dark markings at the base of their wings, resembling saddlebags, which is how they get their common name.
The body of the Carolina Saddlebags is predominantly red. The terminal segments of the abdomen are black, creating a striking contrast with the red body. The pterostigma, a small, colored area on the leading edge of each wing, is also red.
Other Libellulidae species:
Autumn Meadowhawk• Black Darter• Black Saddlebags• Blue Dasher• Carolina Saddlebags• Common Green Darner• Common Whitetail• Eastern Amberwing• Eastern Forktail• Eastern Pondhawk• Eastern Ringtail• Familiar Bluet• Four-Spotted Pennant• Great Blue Skimmer• Halloween Pennant• Ruby Meadowhawk• Scarlet Skimmer• Seaside Dragonlet• Swamp Darner• Twelve-Spotted Skimmer• Widow Skimmer