Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile)

Familiar Bluet, Enallagma civile

Elk Grove, IL

The Familiar Bluet is a damselfly of the Coenagrionidae family. The abdomen of the male is alternating brilliant blue and black. Its thorax is lined with median, humeral, and lateral stripes.

Familiar Bluet, Enallagma civile

Elk Grove, IL

The upper portion of the head of the male Familiar Bluet is black and the lower side is blue. The photo shows the back of the head is blue as well.

Familiar Bluet, Enallagma civile

Elk Grove, IL

The female Familiar Bluet is all black and white. The underside of its head, thorax, and abdomen are white and upper portions are black.

Familiar Bluet, Enallagma civile

Elk Grove, IL

The wing veins of the damselflies are not as developed as those of the dragonflies and are lacking in major veins that strengthen the wings. The nodus and pterostimga are present as with all species of Odonata.

Other Coenagrionidae species:

Eastern Forktail
Ischnura verticalis

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