Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

Elk Grove, IL

The Widow Skimmer is a North American skimmer dragonfly. It is a member of Libellulidae family. The wings of the Widow Skimmer are marked with basal black patches and small spots (pterostigma). The female do not have white patches on its wings.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

Elk Grove, IL

The male has white patches of the wings. The photo shows the markings "glow" in the shadow.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

Elk Grove, IL

The white markings of the wing becomes more prominent as the male matures. Its body turns to bluish white as well as the thorax.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

The photo shows the wing venation of the Widow Skimmer. The taller-than-wide triangle pattern is one of the characteristics of the venation of all Libellulidae family dragon flies.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

The forewings and hindwings of the dragonflies are connected to different muscles and it can move them in different ways. The photo shows the Widow Skimmer resting on a twig with mid and hind legs, with its forelegs folded.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

The skimmers are territorial. This individual occupy a particular corner of the field. On a fine day, this individual rested on the twig, made a hunting trip, and came back with a pray and ate it there.

Widow Skimmer, Libellula luctuosa

The photo shows the anatomy of the 'face' of dragonflies. The upper portion is called frons. The part below the frons is called clypeus. The 'lip' like labrum covers the mouth part. The antenna of dragonflies is short; they basically catch the prey by sight.

Other Libellulidae species:

Common Whitetail
Libellula lydia

Twelve-Spotted Skimmer
Libellula pulchella

Eastern Pondhawk
Erythemis simplicicollis

Autumn Meadowhawk
Sympetrum vicinum

Black Darter
Sympetrum danae

Great Blue Skimmer
Libellula vibrans

Black Saddlebags
Tramea lacerata

Ruby Meadowhawk
Sympetrum rubicundulum

Four-Spotted Pennant
Brachymesia gravida

Scarlet Skimmer
Crocothemis servilia

Eastern Amberwing
Perithemis tenera

Halloween Pennant
Celithemis eponina

Blue Dasher
Pachydiplax longipennis

Carolina Saddlebags
Tramea carolina

Autumn Meadowhawk• Black Darter• Black Saddlebags• Blue Dasher• Carolina Saddlebags• Common Green Darner• Common Whitetail• Eastern Amberwing• Eastern Forktail• Eastern Pondhawk• Eastern Ringtail• Familiar Bluet• Four-Spotted Pennant• Great Blue Skimmer• Halloween Pennant• Ruby Meadowhawk• Scarlet Skimmer• Seaside Dragonlet• Swamp Darner• Twelve-Spotted Skimmer• Widow Skimmer